Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Martin Family Update

Well, I did it! I passed the Praxis! About a month ago I took two content knowledge tests, one for theatre and one for earth science. I had to pass the tests in order to move forward with getting my teaching licence. I will be student teaching this fall. That means that in about 6 months we will be moving out of Rexburg to somewhere in Davis County, Utah! We will finish up this semester April 9th and then start our final semester here a week later. That semester will end July 23rd and we will be holding our "graduation" party. We won't really be graduated until December after my student teaching and Patrick's internship. We are almost done!

Our turtles are getting huge! They are about 5 inches in diameter and Lilo is almost old enough to start laying know where to send baby turtles?...

I am learning so much this semester! I am in two theatre design classes and a mask making class so all of my artistic talent that I've never use before is being squeezed out of me! Ahh! It is super hard but I'm so proud of the progress I've already made. We just got a wireless printer with a scanner and copier ($32 at the bookstore! Cha-ching!) so once we set it up I am hoping to scan in my work so I can show those who read my blog.

Well, I think that is everything so far...what an exciting life we lead!