Monday, February 23, 2009's official...

Patrick proposed to me Friday night!
We are going to be married on May 23, 2009 in Salt Lake!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


This is not my hand! This is the hand of my high school best friend, Tracie Bair, and on April 11 she will be Tracie Thompson! I moved Tracie up to Rexburg on the 2nd of January so she could start school at Evan's School of Cosmotology. My school started Wednesday the 7th and hers didn't start till the 13th. She was so bored so I invited her to my social dance class on the 7th and watched as she gave some guy her number. That night my roommate, Taura, and I went to Tracie's to watch Transformers. This random guy called Tracie, it was the boy from dance class. He came over and then there was no stopping them. They have spent every minute of everyday together. (except when they have school) Two weeks and one day after they met, he proposed. Insane? Absolutely. Scary? 100% Too fast? You be the judge.