Sunday, April 24, 2011

My Set Design Final

I spent the last two weeks of the last semester working on my final for set design. I have never worked so hard on a project! I finally took pictures of my project! We had to design and build a 3/8 inch scale model set for the play Midsummer Night's Dream. We were given the concept of butterflies and had to incorporate the concept without actually putting butterflies on our set.
HerIe is the palace. Obviously there would be black masking curtains masking the parts of the stage we don't want to see yet and the top of the stage is where the two gray panels on the side end. It is very symmetrical like butterflies!

My army man in scale would be about 5 foot. These chairs aren't very well done but it was 3 o'clock in the morning and I just wanted to get it done!

Here is the forest scene. There are two main branches that go opposite directions with moss hanging down to create "butterfly wings."

I carved bricks from modeling paste.

I carved a platform and staircase out of floral foam and covered them with moss.

I used branches for the trees and glued crafty, mossy, messy stuff on them.

I carved a sofa for Titanya's "lair" and covered it with more moss.

I even glued moss on rocks.

I made a place for people to hide in the root system.

Aerial view

Well, there you go! This is what being a theatre major is all about! Craftiness!
We had a 1/4 of a century party for Patrick's Birthday! We have tried to throw parties before and no one shows up but people actually came over (and stayed)! It was a lot of fun!

Aren't they sweet? (even if they are sideways)

We love little Tony!

Lots of smoke from the 25 candles!

I made this amazing cake! It is mint oreo ice cream that I added cookie dough to, chocolate cake, chocolate frosting, and oreo crumbles on top. Sometimes you just have to splurge!

I wrapped this gift in layers of packing tape. It took forever to open because I banned the use of anything sharp, keys, and teeth.

He has been waiting for this book since it came out like a month ago. He is so happy!
Happy 1/4 of a century my sweet husband!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

To Sell or Not To Sell????

We are going to be moving in just over 3 months and I have to start thinking about what to sell. Everything has been pretty easy so far because I haven't allowed myself to get attatched to things. The one thing that I just cannot seem to decide on is my wedding dress.
I love my dress and all of the memories that it holds but at the same time it is not like I am going to take it with me when I die...ugh...decisions...
Patrick thinks that it would be a good idea to sell it. We could get a couple hundred out of it. Money is good, especially because we are going to be moving. Patrick has left the decision completely up to me, however and I don't know what to do.
So, here is my question, to sell or to keep?
What do you think?