Sunday, April 17, 2011

To Sell or Not To Sell????

We are going to be moving in just over 3 months and I have to start thinking about what to sell. Everything has been pretty easy so far because I haven't allowed myself to get attatched to things. The one thing that I just cannot seem to decide on is my wedding dress.
I love my dress and all of the memories that it holds but at the same time it is not like I am going to take it with me when I die...ugh...decisions...
Patrick thinks that it would be a good idea to sell it. We could get a couple hundred out of it. Money is good, especially because we are going to be moving. Patrick has left the decision completely up to me, however and I don't know what to do.
So, here is my question, to sell or to keep?
What do you think?


Jennybug said...

You know, I kept mine and it's sat in a box for 13 years. I got it out once on our 10th anniversary and I mostly still fit in it. The tummy area is a little tight.... hmmmm.... Anyway, I think I only hold onto it because I am deluded into thinking one of my girls may wear it someday. But usually wedding dress styles change so much that probably won't happen. So, if you think you can get $$ out of it now, it would probably be the only time you will get any for it. It's only going to go more out of style and be more unusable with age. All sentimentality aside of course.....

The 4 of Us said...

I kept mine. It's sitting in my parents closet so it doesn't take up space in my little apartment. Good luck deciding!

Michelle said...

When people heard I was trying to sell mine I got so much crap for it. But the fact is, my temple dress means 10 times more to me than my wedding dress. I have pictures of my wedding dress etc. So I'm okay parting with it. Plus I feel like getting a couple hundred dollars out of it and using the money for a fun little get away is worth it. :)
But I've also decided, if it never sells, I want to do one of those crazy "trash the dress" photo shoots with paint or something super fun! haha.
It's a tough decision, but you'll make the one that is right for you! :)

isaac said...

I think it's a good idea to sell because are you ever going to wear it again? However you sound hesitant so you may be sad if you sell it so I wouldn't unless your positive that's what you want to do.... However there is other option, like do something memorable w/it. You could make blessing or little girl dresses using the fabric. Theirs also a frameing thing that I have seen that displays your dress. That way you can use it for something ( :

isaac said...

whoops that we me (lacey)


I don't know if you are going to see this comment because its taken me a long time to see your post. Anyway, I kept mine and was able to make a burial gown for my baby boy out of it. Now, I'm not saying that is going to happen to you, nor do I ever wish it on anyone, but a lot of people make their baby's blessing outfits out of their dresses. Just saying.

Logan said...

Hey, it's Tracie. I thought about selling my dress, but I have had SO MANY people ask me to use it for their wedding. I know that even Teighlor is planning on using it. So it's up to you. If it's the sentimental value that is keeping you from selling, I will tell you what I tell my husband all the time when we are de-junking, you might miss it now, but in a little bit, you won't even notice it's gone and you won't miss it. :) Besides,you have pictures of it, and Rexburg is the best place to try and sell that!